2_Aperture 2.png

2/ Aperture 2

By Reena Saini Kallat
Duration: 3:17 min.

About the work:
Reena Saini Kallat’s animation Aperture 2 reads like a cinematic scene turned video game, where audiences are as likely to be captured by the slow and sentimental choreography of a flock of silhouetted birds coming to rest on the individual power lines, as they are by the abrasive gun-shot that disperses them. Time appears suspended momentarily as the letters become discernible. The work’s beauty resides in its evocative sounds and spirit that recreate a jarring cityscape, as nature poetically intervenes upon the industrial facade. While birds know no boundaries and begin to settle on the transmission lines, the words “on the horizon the shadow speaks another story” start to disintegrate into tiny fragments following the sound of a gun-shot, putting the viewer in a contemplative state about the nature of our lives and what the shadows in the sky seem to suggest.