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46/ The Pink City (How to survive: A Promotional video. Part 1)

By Agil Abdullayev
Duration: 2:52 min.
Recommended by Anna Fech

How does this work investigate “hope?”
It plays with the idea of a digital emergency shelter for people in crisis.

About the work:
“The work The Pink City plays with the idea of an imaginary shelter, where everyone feeling in danger can be beamed through future cyber inventions of the digital age. The first part shows mostly footage of surveillance cameras documenting violent incidents that have attracted much attention in social media imitating the media strategy to spread fear and panic raising the need for protection. In the second part, the artist, in a double version, promotes the Pink City, which takes in everyone seeking for protection, a magical place without greed, violence and betrayal. By the strong contrast, the juxtaposition of good and evil, exposed and protected, the work questions a simplified and dualistic worldview, which creates intolerance and disdain.” —Anna Fech