
18/ Home

By Yasmin Jahan Nupur
Duration: 4 min.
Recommended by Siddhartha V. Shah

How does this work investigate “hope?”
“Much of Yasmin's work deals with issues of home and identity, with particular attention to family history and the inevitable losses that occur with the passage of time. This work, in particular, leaves the viewer with both a glimmer and a loss of hope for the future. Given the political history of Bangladesh and the country's (unfortunate) regular encounters with both natural and man-made disasters, hope is certainly a relevant topic and one that I feel Yasmin responds to powerfully, beautifully, and universally.” —Siddhartha V. Shah

About the work:
”In this project, I am working on memories within a relationship between human and the environment, between displacement and the issue of territorial land, and between personal and political states. This project is about my family history and the territory (which we have lost), about how we live this environment in the personal way. Government hinge (occupy) 900 acres land so call for deployment. Our neighborhoods were full of life with the unique nautical, multicultural, mythological, oral storytelling and multi-religious history. In addition, is the thing I can enter in any way that I want, i also have the sense and feel that I am reliving the lives of my father and grandparents by walking and being here. Because I saw my father had a strange misty feeling on his land. This video works represent defining the space or a failure or loneliness, or about creating this feeling of being lost. I try to response in some way or sense, and try to address thematically inclusion or description through my work which we all really try to talk about geopolitically. In most of my work, I look back to histories of violence and I try to respond to that violence.” —Yasmin Jahan Nupur