31_Mobile Market and Mobile Gallery.png

30/ Mobile Market and Mobile Gallery

By Chaw Ei Thein and Htein Lin
Duration: 13:29 min.
Recommended by Simon Wu

About the work:
Chaw Ei Thein & Htein Lin did this durational interactive street performance in Yangon’s busiest streets in May, 2005.

HL carried paintings while CET sold tea, sugar, garlic, chili, stationary including drawing papers, paints and daily use accessories. Both walking in the streets, stopped in crowded corners or area selling those various products for extremely cheap prices like 20 years before prices. The idea was to address the inflation crisis in Myanmar by that time. Plus seeking alternative way of advoiding or challenging the censorship by government to get permission or pushing the boundary to do performance in public.

In this street performance, as an important material artists prepared to use (to change notes) intentionally very old Myanmar currency such as coins and small one kyat, five kyats notes which were nowhere to spend due to its lost value. All those money had images of General Aung San, who was founding father, previous leader and also Aung San Suu Kyi’s father who was assassinated.

They also did (well plan) documentation about this work with help of 3 other friends (who also were arrested with them later).

They were arrested for 5 days in police custody.

Read more about the work here: