
31/ Mother

By Shun Wint Aung
Duration: 1:07 min.
Recommended by Sai Htin Linn Htet

How does this work investigate “hope?”
“When I asked Shun about her work, I discovered a certain familiarity about the ‘mother’ she is talking about. The politic of Myanmar has been under the influence of an individual who used to be a mother figure to all the democratic supporters and anti-junta, a symbol of hope, a new chapter and a new page. These days, many questions are raised about the ‘mother’ while we are unsure of where the country is going anymore. Did we lose her? My first time seeing Shun’s work took me from her abstract depiction of her mother to what youths are feeling today amid hopes, doubts, and many dreams during this transition period.” —Sai Htin Linn Htet

About the work:
A mother gives birth to a baby and the baby enters this human society with lots of joys. Being a mother, she has to struggle a lot to bring up her children. When she becomes a widow, she tries her best to protect her children in spite of being looked down on by her environment.